You can only log into this support area with Themeforest purchase codes. Also, any purchased items from Envato Elements do not include customer support service as per Envato policy. 

Important: If you get a Critical error in your site after updated the Elementor plugin, please update your theme to its latest version using the Envato Market plugin and also do not forget to update the theme plugin after updated your theme. For example, in Wavo theme, after updated your theme, please also do not forget to update Wavo Elementor Addon plugin AFTER updated your theme.




First of all, thank you for choosing our products. We really appreciate this. Secondly, if you have any questions or difficulties with an item, please read the documentations that included to your purchased file. We are located in GMT +3 time zone and we answer all questions within 4 - 48 hours in weekdays. In some rare cases the waiting time can be to 24 hours. Support tickets sent during weekends or public holidays will be processed next Monday or the next business day.

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